ECG Dangle
Mobile App + Cloud Service + Medic Reports
Product Designer Casework - Sergei Konishchev
Nordavind company offers an app and cloud service for at-home or in-the-field ECG measurements with hospital-grade quality. Using AI methods in their local cloud service or via manual analysis by cardiologists, users can receive assessments of their heart disease risk.

This product was created without the involvement of separate UX specialists, which led to the app being difficult to understand for people without prior training.
Problem / Task
The following improvements were needed:

  1. Simplify the user experience without losing functionality, making it accessible for users with low technical knowledge, such as seniors or people from poorer regions with limited experience in using technology.
  2. Increase the conversion rate for purchasing premium features, such as AI analysis or manual evaluations by cardiologists.
  3. Add a feature allowing users to show the app and analysis results to their personal doctor, who can verify the accuracy of the outcome and access the results for further processing.
1. Research
Understanding tasks and
the professional domain
  • Conducted a meeting with the client's team to discuss the task, expected results, and business goals that they want to achieve after my work.
  • Conducted a series of calls with the in-house cardiologist to understand what is important and what is not important in measuring ECG, and to get familiar with all the terms.
  • Gathered and systematized a detailed description of target audience groups, product usage contexts, and user problems that are solved by this product, from both the team and the cardiologist. The most interesting groups for study were athletes and hypochondriacs.
  • Conducted a call with programmers to clarify technical requirements and constraints to understand the appropriateness of different CX solutions.
In-depth interviews + creating CJM
  • With the help of the client and independently, selected 12 respondents from the target audience groups, 6 of whom use the product and 6 who do not, but are representatives of the target audience. The main task of the in-depth interviews with them was to gather details of real use to refine the CJM and determine the prioritization of user scenarios, as well as to identify nuances of use that the team had not thought of. Each in-depth interview was 35-55 minutes long.
  • Compiled and refined personas.
  • Based on the results, compiled a user's successful path CJM and provided a descriptive accompaniment.
Clarifying the task with the team based on research results
  • Gathered, analyzed, and presented in a presentation all the data obtained at all stages of research and organized a large discussion with the project team.
  • Since many of the project team members had not directly communicated with users before, some stereotypes about user groups that were quite different from some team members' lifestyles were removed.
  • Discussed the task again and adjusted it, clarifying what exactly will be useful to the project and in what form as the results of my work.
2. Creating
Inventing a solution
  • First, I schematically described in Miro the user experience that I want to achieve as a result.
  • Created paper sketches of key application screens, service pages, and main report blocks.
  • Compiled an object-oriented and mental model.
  • Checked the solution obtained against basic UX rules and the level of complexity of actions and objects.
  • Conducted a corridor testing to identify problems at an early stage.
  • Described the solution's behavior in case of long breaks between data collection and analysis, as well as in the use of the results of users' work by personal doctors.
Warframes + UML diagrams
  • Created wireframes for 54 application screens.
  • Wrote a detailed description for all screens where some behavioral or interaction features may not be clear from its appearance.
  • Created 22 screens for a cloud service in which, based on research results, a medical conclusion on the presence of specific heart diseases' signs can be obtained from ECG.
  • Created and described UML for the user experience that goes beyond the boundaries of the application and service, as well as other related data. For example, when one user forwards a PDF or brings a printed result of the research.
UX tests
  • Conducted UX tests for all scenarios with medium and higher priorities on new invited respondents.
  • During testing, we identified a more than twofold increase in NPC and did not encounter users who were confused in basic scenarios or in the value of paid services.
3. Improving team understanding
UI Kit + States
Together with the graphic designer and development manager, we designed a UI Kit to not only make the appearance unified but also systematize the code base that differs. We also detailed and slightly adjusted solutions before development to make them more consistent in different places. Provided feedback to the graphic designer on the UI designs created by them and also ensured that they did not break accepted UX/CX decisions.
Reviewed all accompanying documentation for completeness and detail, added more details where necessary, provided examples, and additionally included answers to questions that were also described in the documentation but still came up in discussions with the team.
Presenting to the team
Conducted a large presentation to all team members, including management, on all the decisions made, designed screens and pages, and other CX artifacts.
4. Supporting development
Answers for programmers
After handing over all the work results to the team, stayed in touch with them to explain and reiterate the reasons for the decisions made, as well as describe behavior in extreme situations that do not occur in real life but are important for programmers to write a stable product.
Design review
After completing the main development stage, conducted a Design review and wrote a list of improvements and suggestions for minor animation nuances, design, and placing non-standard data in fields that were originally intended for such data (for example, during localization).
Confirmation and quantitative research
Conducted additional testing on 7 users to ensure that nothing was broken during the changes, and the tests confirmed that everything was fine. After that, conducted a two-month quantitative testing on changing basic KPIs, some of which were affected by this improvement.
During this project I collaborated with...
  • Company owner
    Strict and fair
  • Project manager
    Punctual and responsible
  • Developers
    Smart and attentive
  • Cardiologist
    Caring and nurturing
  • Graphic designer
    Creative and innovative
  • Users
    Diverse and sociable
Final artifacts
  1. Scenario reports and nuances identified in in-depth interviews
  2. Prototypes of all mobile app screens with a presentation
  3. Prototypes for cloud service report improvements
  4. Documentation of all scenarios with context and importance level provided for users before and after purchase
  1. Lowering the entry barrier
  2. Increasing conversion to service sales
  3. Adding an offline usage feature
  4. Increasing the share of users who use the app with external doctors
  5. Expanding sales across the board, especially to lower-income regions of the world