About me
Sergei Konishchev
Senior/Lead Product Designer
  • Difficult UX research for Yandex.Music
    In 2019, the company Yandex.Music (streaming service) had its own research laboratory, but they called me to perform the most difficult (according to them) research at the intersection of voice interfaces + humour + voice assistants. The team highly appreciated how I coped with this task.
  • Finalist of a game design challenge
    In 2007, the company Vogster organised a big competition of game designers with a prize of $50K. More than 600 teams took part in the competition. My friend and I beat almost all of them to reach the finals. And we were invited to the award ceremony in the capital.
  • Profit multiplication through UX
    - In 2015, I worked on improving UX at Pixonic company, and after a year and a half, their profit multiplied 4 times over. And 51% of their shares bought for 30 million US dollars.
    - In 2016, I assisted RedConnect company in enhancing their Unit economics and addressing some complex UX scenarios; a year later, their profit increased by more than 5 times, and they were acquired by Livetex.
    - In 2017, I began enhancing UX for Bit Games company, and within a year, their profit grew tenfold.
  • Developing and Selling an IT Start-up
    Beginning in 2012, I started the development of an engine project for online stores, with a small team. I recruited clients of different sizes and specializations, gave them new capabilities to integrate with vending services and other marketing features. In 2019, I sold this business.
  • +22% conversion due to UX improvement
    For Runewaker Entertainment (Taiwan), I improved the onboarding UX for key features in the game Dragon's Prophet. I also conducted play-tests and UX tests for various players. I designed several iterations of improvements, and due to these enhancements alone, we managed to increase Day 1 Retention by 22%.
  • 750 000 000 US dollars for WarRobots
    The game about large humanoid robots, War Robots, in which I improved UX since 2015. By 2023, this game has already earned $750 million and has very high key metrics. Additionally, this game was showcased at the Apple presentation along with the new iPhones in September 2020.
    Links: Read news about it and Apple event video
Tools: Figma, Paper prototype and HTML/CSS/JS. Also used: Adobe XD, Photoshop, and etc.

Methods: CJM, USM, Personas, Use Cases, Empathy map, Mental-Interaction-Value models, Service Blueprint.

Research: User Interview / Focus Group, User scenario, Diary studies, Surveys.
Product and Team management: Strategic Thinking & Vision, Backlog, Scram - Kanban - Agile, Brainstorming, Risk Management, retrospective sessions, RICE prioritisation, Go-to-Market Strategy, Leadership, Monetization, English B2

Anaitics & KPIs: LTV, ROI, Retention Rate, Revenue / ARPU / ARPPU, Paying Share, Repeat Purchase Rate, DAU/WAU/MAU, CPA, CPC. A/B testing.
Programming for reserach: SQL, Python, and Golang for quantitative research and creating analytics tools.

Programming for tests: CSS, HTML, and JS for prototyping or MVP (minimal value product) for research and business hypothesis testing.
I'm not an Artist, I'm a Business Designer
Key Contributions in Projects
  • 1. User Research & Scenario Exploration
    Through in-depth interviews and UX testing, I delve into user needs, understanding the context and nuances of problem-solving.
  • 2. Designing and Validating Wireframes
    I create the structure and behavior of all screens and their states. Documentation is prepared, detailing the behavior of each element. This is followed by user validation of the designed solutions.
  • 3. Design System Creation and Development Support
    Through USM, I phase solutions into product implementation. This involves creating all elements and states for the design system. I also provide responses to the development team's queries and refine UX solutions for complex scenarios.
  • 4. Design Review and Analytics of Implemented Changes
    Post-development, I conduct reviews to assess implementation quality. This includes UX testing and collaboration with analysts and data scientists to quantify the impact of changes on KPIs, with a special focus on overall business profitability.