All Projects list
for companies from countries
I worked directly with these companies, not on freelance platforms
List of project types in which I have experience
Business automation
For a compact personal ECG device manufacturing company, a UX audit, UX Research was required, and based on these, redesigning CX the mobile application, a cloud AI service for detecting diseases through ECG, and multiple reports. Click the button for details on the work process and tasks…
Automation of contextual ad
For a major advertising agency, it was necessary to design a web tool for keyword selection, ad creation, publication, and bid management to maximize conversions, and to have all of this operate almost entirely in automatic mode. Additional features included competitor parsing, forecasting, reporting, and the ability to delegate routine copywriting and moderation tasks to freelance specialists...

[ case study coming soon ]
Poker Tales
Poker Tales is a mobile game in the Social Casino genre. I was the first employee, and in the roles of Producer and Product Manager, I sought and hired the entire team, looked for ideas and developed concepts together with the game designer, designed most of the screens and CX, conducted playtests, and ultimately brought the game to release and profit. The game is now available on Android, and soon to be released on iOS...

[ case study coming soon ]

ERP for Logistics company
Required: to design and develop MVP their own ERP system, as current solutions did not suit all the nuances of business processes.
Done: Conducted interviews with all departments
— Analyzed business processes and problem scenarios — Designed CX: all screens, including mobile, notifications, and reports — Created MVP on Python/Django+Bootstrap — Conducted test orders and assignments for verification — Supported the development of the full version.
Required: conduct a UX audit of the game to improve conversion to R7 and LTV, and then design CX/UX for new features and game design that was not clear enough.
Done:50+ UX testing and playtests — Expert assessment of cognitive barriers in understanding gameplay — Designing 4+ new features together with their development, detailing all screens and working with graphic designers, game designers, developers, and producers — Redesigning UX/CX for 16 new features such as onboarding, craft, pets, ratings, clans, stores, daily bonuses, etc. —Increased Day 7 retention and LTV — A year after my contribution, monthly revenue grew 10 times up to 1,000,000 USD/month [public information]
CRM SaaS for daily apartment rental "RealtyCalendar"
Required: to conduct in-depth interviews with current clients to better understand their context of working with the service and the specifics of user scenarios. After that, periodically joined the team to design screens and user experience for service updates.
Done: Researching customer demand for new features through in-depth interviews — Full design of user experience for 10+ new features — Development and improvement of the design system — UX testing of existing features to identify problems with poor customer understanding of value and other usage difficulties — Supporting the development of all designed solutions.
SaaS platform for online schools and tutors
Required: for a large IT integrator's order, came up with and concepted a SaaS platform on which online schools, tutors, or course owners could post their study materials, conduct classes, as well as issue and check assignments.
Done: Conducted in-depth interviews with owners of online schools, tutors, course owners, and customers of such educational products — analyzed competitors — together with the customer's management team developed a concept — designed all screens, states, object model, and business logic for MVP — prepared project documentation — led the project as Product Owner until the company found a permanent person for this position — after creating the MVP, helped organically integrate new requirements of the first customers into the already created service at the level of screens, user experience, and KPI growth.
War Robots
Required: n a game about battles of giant humanoid robots, even before it became super popular, it was necessary to redesign key screens and game interaction, as the game design concept was already tested but looked complex and unclear for new players.
Done: Conducted over 100 playtests and UX interviews, including group ones for cooperative play. Found participants for interviews and tests independently – completely reworked the aiming and attack system presentation within battles – redesigned UX/CX of robots' equipment system and squad formation – refined other features and checked them for problems – together with the company's management, in the form of training, analyzed and simplified the object/mental model and overall complexity of game design solutions. A year after my contribution, the profit significantly increased, which resulted in the company being sold for $31,000,000 [public information].
InQoob - chat-bots
Required: SaaS for creating chatbots for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, and other platforms. It was required to conceptually rework the product so that it was understandable not only to programmers but also to people without technical skills.
Done: Conducted UX research, including in-depth interviews with current service clients - structured the target audience and created personas and CJM for each – reworked the object/mental model and was able to drastically simplify interaction, especially in complex cases – participated in many calls with other project teams about features designed by other designers to improve their UX/CX solutions – feedback from the owner during collaboration: "The first time I see UX as a competitive advantage."
Сall-back from contextual ad
Required: In 2008, a large regional contextual advertising service with a database of more than 44,000 advertisers and agencies needed to conduct an experiment on a new format in advertising - to allow users to order a call-back through VoIP directly from a contextual advertisement, even from search results.
Done: Designing prototypes of interface blocks for different contexts – Maintaining all project documentation – Finding solutions and coordinating different positions on requirements from different departments of the company – Conducting meetings to synchronize vision and progress.
Dragon's Prophet
Required: For a Chinese MMO game that was designed with all the features of flashing Asian interfaces, I was tasked with adapting and improving the UX/CX of onboarding, other key features, and adapting gameplay for European and American players.
Done: Conducted dozens of play and UX tests, recruited respondents independently – Analyzed and designed improved UX/CX for all parts of gameplay that players encounter in the first 3 hours of the game, including more than 20 features – Conducted testing of the designed solutions – As a result of the implementation of the proposed solutions, Day 3 retention increased by more than 20%.
Crypto Marketplace for Real Goods
Required: A crypto platform with its own cryptocurrency and application had many useful services and crypto games. They also had external businesses that joined their platform to sell their goods and/or services.
Done: Gathered detailed requirements, positioning, and business nuances from stakeholders, as this was an innovative business model that needed to be clearly explained to users – Gathered and analyzed all current scenarios and personas – Designed all screens + UX + CX + scenarios, including agents with multiple counterparties and complex financial calculations in multiple currencies – After implementing the main improvements, researched the first experience of new and existing users – Documented the project.
Automation of a copywriting agency
Required: To create an internal service for an agency that creates content on a large scale, in order to reduce the time it takes to process each order and simplify the process of training new employees.
Done: Conducted interviews with managers and employees to collect and analyze scenarios and process features – Measured current metrics and statistically analyzed them – Created prototypes of all screens for 7 roles: Writer, Proofreader, Editor, Intern, Client, Manager, and Administrator – Conducted UX tests of all designed solutions on employees and clients to identify nuances – Provided expert support for the development and implementation of processes with the new service.
Bloodline Champions
Required: For a MOBA game, good gameplay and UX for the combat part were made, but the lobby was complex and had a high player drop-off rate. It was necessary to simplify the object/mental model and overall redesign the lobby UX to increase Day 3 retention.
Done: Expert assessment of the basic UX and cognitive complexities of onboarding into the game – Completely redesigned the system for starting a new game through the selection of possible options and team building – Conducted UX interviews before and after each improvement to assess the improvement and simplification of the mental model – Also improved and handed over to the team.
Credit Marketplace "BrainySoft"
Required: The service brought together many credit organizations (not just banks), many stores that wanted to sell things on credit at the checkout, and buyers of these stores. There was a business model and agreements with many credit organizations and stores. It was necessary to design a user experience for 7 roles, not only through the service screens, but also notifications, applications, and business tools.
Done: Systematization and analysis of scenarios for all roles - Created and refined the channel and process CJM with the team - Designed a personal account for the end customer, including a complex set of scenarios when they have overdue payments and need to work with their fears and expectations ecologically rather than intimidating them, to increase the likelihood of payment - Created interfaces and other UX/CX for all business roles - Created documentation on user experience and nuances of decisions made.
Guild of Heroes

and other projects
Advertising on Maps as Innovation in 2008. Prototyping –– Docs –– UX/CX –– CustDev

QA as a Service. Idea –– UX –– Code MVP –– First Sales

Ghost Town Adventures Casual Mobile Game. UX Audit -- Play Tests -- Prototyping -- Analytics

Service NFT consolidation of obligations with the characteristics and scope of supply of equipment and materials for industrial construction. UX/CX from Idea –– CustDev –– Studying a complex subject area –– System Analysis –– Prototyping –– Docs

Offensive Combat – PC online FPS game. Play Test + UX interview -- Remake UX for lobby, Battle result and Monetisation's screens.

Battle of Titans – mobile game about online robot battles with guns and missiles. UX/CX from scratch –– work with Programmers, Graphic Designer, Game Designer –– Play test + UX test.

Cybersecurity dashboard for detecting, stopping and investigating cyber attacks. Collect and analysis users scenario for 7+ roles –– Updates UI Kit –– UX Proto for all states –– Docs

Prover Crypto applications and service for date validation and non-editability of videos. Analysis + UX + Docs + Prototype + UX test for 2 new features from scratch.

Callback/Chat SaaS B2B service for improving online sales and marketing research. Unit-economy –– Onboarding –– Client research

• "Begun" context advertising service. Had a 35% market share in Russia when I worked there in 2007-2008 as a System Analyst. Documentation –– Approval

Revival: Recolonization! - 4X strategy for PC. Redesign of screens and gameplay interaction + onboarding for most features. In-depth interviews with beta testers for understanding player difficulties and how they perceive different aspects. UX Design –– In-depth interviews –– Documentation

Rush Royal mobile game with Co-op and PvP modes. Design of interfaces with all states for 4 features. UX Design –– Play tests

Cloud service for concrete setting analytics in construction structures. For concrete sampling laboratories, construction managers, workers who set sensors and monitor concrete temperature, for controlling bodies. Studying the idea and nuances of this process on a real construction site –– Analysis and systematization of user scenarios –– Design of all screens –– Creation of UI Kit –– Documentation

Dino Alphabet 1C - mobile game for children up to 6 years old, designed to learn letters and numbers in a playful way. I revised and improved several features in the game. UX Design –– GameDesign –– Kids play tests — Docs

• A mobile game called Domoviyana, when the game had been around for several years, the team decided to find opportunities in existing features to improve conversion without changing the game design. Play tests — UX Design

StarTowns — 3.5 years before the release of "Pokemon GO", we made a geolocation-based game. Invented, prototyped and published in the open alpha test different versions of game design. We presented our project to potential investors and won a place in the business incubator of MSU. Co-found — UX design from scratch — UI Design — GameDesign

Service for dividing payments in stores into 4 equal parts (analogous to the Finnish service Klarna). Selling to first stores — Creating interfaces and refining user experience for customers, store owners, store managers, and service workers. Analytics and development of service idea — developing the concept of how to educate the market about this service — Designing all interfaces for all roles — Creating several websites for the service, for testing formats of positioning value

HR Hunters Service (similar to BountyJobs) where freelance HR recruiters could take vacancies, send candidates to them and transparently see stages of interview process. Co-found — UX design from scratch — finding first employees — leading the development of the first version of the website and online offices for companies needing employees and HR recruiters

Engine for online stores. To launch my own store, I decided to create a more universal solution right away, which I could sell to other stores on a SaaS subscription or as a bonus to other services. Total creation time from idea to release was 45 days. Analyzed competitors — UX Design — Creation of Frontend+Backend parts, including a template system — Made the first 6 sales myself — Created API integrations and marketing and analytics tools within the platform.

• Internal service for selection and management of Art/Video references for game creation. Includes an app for PC and a web service. Redesign of UX for all main screens, as some scenarios were too complex and not obviously organized. User scenario analytics — UX tests — UX design — documentation writing

Semantic core collection and SEO analytics service — for a large advertising agency, I needed to invent and design a tool for semantic core selection for SEO optimization and subsequent assessment of promotion results. In-depth analytics of semantic core work methods and competitive services — Designing all screens and states for 6 roles — Documentation and support of programming this service — UX acceptance

Specific research for Yandex.Music, a music streaming service. This is a series of 12 in-depth interviews in which the subject of research was the auditory, not the graphical interaction with the service. The service management said that this was one of the most challenging studies they had ever had, and it was done well.

Tagiasan image tagging service designed for training AI services in visual recognition. Design of all scenarios and screens of tagging tools, including training and quality assessment of a constant stream of new employees for tagging.

Video purchasing terminal in a surf center. A sports center with a pool and an artificial wave decided to install cameras so that users could buy videos of their surfing attempts after riding. Designed from scratch all screens for a large touch screen. Complex scenarios were: organizing the search for the necessary segment in the entire history of records, selecting the necessary segment and conveying the principles of video tariffing, deferred purchases.

• Expert UX research of Tinder for creating a competitor.

WebPortal uniting manufacturers of geosynthetic materials, which are used for road construction, slope reinforcement, etc. Attended several profile conferences in different cities and personally met representatives of all manufacturing companies. Designed and led the development of the web portal.

• Experiment with advertising in video streaming 2007 when even YouTube did not understand how to place contextual advertising, I, as a system analyst, participated in the invention, design, and test launches of advertising banners that are displayed over the video and are selected according to the principles of contextual advertising.

Service created for independent assessment of knowledge of students and teachers by the regional government department for quality control in education. The service was created without a specialized UX designer and therefore had many confusing scenarios and poorly designed screens. Designed from scratch all screens and improved user scenarios.

A mobile game analogous to Cut The Rope needed to improve UX of the gameplay for better conversion in Retention Day3. Conducted play tests and designed the necessary changes in screens and game cycles.

Mobile game combining farm mechanics and RPG in a fantasy world. Needed to design all key screens, tested them on UX tests, and created documentation for them.

Mobile game Farkle Macau in the genre of social casino. Performed balance calculation.

Video aggregator for esports videos and accompanying information such as tournament tables, athletes, teams, and most of the educational part. Designing all scenarios and screens from the idea — Programming MVP — First negotiations with teams and content creators for collaboration.

Funexpected Math, a mobile game for children up to 6 years old. UX audit to find areas for improvement.

UX Audit of GetYourGuide for a competitor to understand the specifics of implementing individual scenarios.

• An internal service for automating HR processes for the largest regional railway transport company.

• A service for moderating contextual ads before publication, where a team of moderators works with a stream of hundreds and thousands of ads per day, and must also take into account many legislative norms. Designed improvements to processes and alleviation of cognitive loads, with the aim of reducing the number of errors and increasing processing speed.
HyperSkill, a programming education service from JetBrains Academy - Designed a new version of onboarding.

• A service aggregator from the central bank of all information about open accounts in all banks of the country with the ability to get any service of banks, insurance companies or investment organizations online. Designed features for the insurance order section and the personal account of a citizen, in which all his assets are displayed.

• International CustDev with a series of in-depth interviews in 4 countries focused on educational processes in bilingual families.

Improving conversion to order from online advertising for a phone repair network. UX Design — CustDev — A/B tests

An online store of souvenirs and paraphernalia for bikers. Together with a partner, created a store from scratch. For it, wrote an engine for online stores. Made purchases, rented warehouse and fulfillment premises, made sales in the first year of work, then delegated, accounting management and tax payment.

Automation of registration for lessons and access to materials for an English language school. CustDev -- UX Design -- Code MVP

Mobile application for dog owners in America. A startup approached with an idea and several sketches, they needed to understand where to develop the idea. I developed an innovative concept that turns pet care into a game, increasing the benefit for the pet, pleasure for the owner, and the number of purchases in the application.

A browser game Beetle Races in the genre of Auto Chess. UX Design.

A live-action role-playing game in the Warcraft universe for 200+ people from 7 cities. As the main organizer, gathered a team for conducting, created a website, led the process of creating a plot, accepting applications and preparing the field and inventory, meeting teams, organizing safety and conducting the game itself.

Browser game "Labyrinth" - A real-time isometric shooter. Team leadership — Game design — Level design — UX design

A mobile application aggregator of home recipes. Scenario analytics — CustDev — Competitor analysis — UX Design

A service for corporate training and certification of call center employees. Redesigned CX working with a knowledge base — Designed service screens from scratch for checking knowledge for different grades — Conducted testing

• As a Senior UX Designer, designed and developed web services for administering corporate VPNs and digital signatures at Infotect VipNet

Web service for choosing a fitness club. Competitor analysis — CustDev — Analysis and structuring of user scenarios — Designing all screens — Hiring and managing programmers, a graphic designer, and marketers.

Web service for statistics and selection of a ski resort from around the world, taking into account the forecast, ticket purchases, workload, reviews, and more.

• A specific task manager for internal corporate use. A businessman who owned and managed several businesses very different in operational activity needed a personal task manager that would suit his approaches to work. Detailed investigation of the task — Analytics of all scenarios and their nuances — Designing all screens and states — Documentation

A private social network for doctors with registration through employer validation and a medical degree. In it, doctors could discuss interesting cases based on anonymized data and get a second opinion on professional issues. Researched the client's idea — Conducted in-depth interviews with 8 doctors to understand the structure of object and mental model scenarios — systematized and described user scenarios — Designed key screens to describe the concept

Magic Chain a crypto game. Designing all screens from scratch.

SendEx - a B2B service for sending SMS notifications and newsletters. Designing all screens, leading development, and creating training materials for the sales department and service clients.

Mobile application for initiating offline games when you meet with friends or relatives offline. A mobile application through a simple player survey to select and suggest games, or even further to act for each player as a personal card with progress and/or a tool for secret interaction within the game process. Came up with the idea — CustDev — Designed screens for MVP — Conducted UX testing on dynamic prototypes

Biohackers Test App - a service based on meta-research from evidence-based medicine that, in integration with local doctors in different countries, allows you to monitor biomarker indicators and improve them. I conducted 8 CustDev interviews, made sketches of key screens for the application from scratch. Together with the client's team, we sought product positioning in different concepts.

UX report automation service — I had 3 clients to work on contracts with whom detailed monthly reporting was required for all the work I did. And to save my time, I developed a set of templates and created a web service on Python/Django where customers could get reports online the next day after the work was done. The service worked via API with the task tracker I use and automatically retrieved tasks and their statuses for reports from it.

Web Service and Mobile App for movie recommendations, not only individual ones but also in situations where a company tries to choose something to watch that everyone would like, but that no one has watched. 50+ in-depth interviews — Designing all screens

Structuring a set of services and IT products for the SMS-Online company, writing all the text descriptions, designing the company's website and promotional materials in terms of structure and content, leading the team in creating the UI, BackEnd, and FrontEnd parts. Quantitative research on changes in KPIs after publication.

SaaS service for specialists in private and corporate investment trust management. Clients under trust management have complete visibility of the status and movements of their investment portfolio, as well as analytics on diversification and changes in asset prices within it. Tools for adding transactions, creating comments, and reporting on all completed actions are provided for portfolio managers and their superiors. Collaborating with the client's team, we developed the product concept from scratch, conducted CustDev in-depth interviews, designed all screens, and systematized user scenarios, forming a comprehensive Customer Journey Map (CJM).

A service for an auction of art objects, mostly physical, but also digital. The main distinctive feature is that you can buy lots in shares with other participants and get a profit proportionate to the share of ownership. Having received the idea at the entrance, I designed all the screens and basic scenarios for all roles, compiled documentation for further detailing and implementation of the MVP by the client's team.

Browser game Citadels from the company WebGames. Conducted Play-tests, expert audit, and redesign of UX/CX for 7 features. As a result, after implementing changes, all these features increased the frequency of use. The improvement in clarity was also confirmed by UX tests twice.

• Structuring and creating online sales structure for a company offering proctoring as a service. Designing and creating a website for this company to clearly present the benefits for all customer groups and explain all the nuances of tariffs.

Designing a PDF report for comprehensive diagnostics based on several biomarkers, the main of which is ECG taken in different conditions. Analytics and simplification of the object/mental model. Designing the structure of the report taking into account all edge states.

• As a Producer and Product Owner of game projects, I performed R&D - inventing and searching for a concept for a mobile casual game together with a game designer. Among more than 12 concepts, I made prototypes and conducted play tests to understand which concept turned out to be more successful and has higher chances of success.

Online sales in Printing. CustDev, Systematization of intents and target audience groups

A large wholesale supplier of plumbing - Development of product presentation formats on online platforms - UX of product cards - Catalog and other pages important in conversion

Online service that collects and organizes access to all types of legislation "Garant" - interface audit + recommendations for increasing conversion - consulted on stages

Wholesale supplier of water from mini sources from various extraction wells from around the world. It was necessary to design and develop an MVP for a selling site and personal account, which would have adaptive content depending on the region.